Hello Dear!!
I want to point a very important thing here is that the reservation will only lead to the degradation of country everywhere and every-time.
Future View:
I must say that this is the topic where everyone must be aware and should step forward to remove reservation from country and make it a golden country.
Till Then Happy Reading!!
Welcome You All to the open-bunty.blogspot.com .This blog is return as the part of an open thought of every people to give a light to their view.
Today we are going to discuss and present our view on ill-followed way everywhere and that is Reservation which we call in hindi आरक्षण.
Matter Discussion:
When I was child I heard one very interesting story about "tiger and dog", hope you all also heard the same.But, if you don't then also don't fear about the same because I am not going to repeat that story again here.But, the conclusion of that is "Talent Need No Boundary" and if we see that same here in our context that it reflect very correctly here as "Talent Need No Reservation".
Now a days we see in every field there is reservation for every caste but not for general. This caste reservation is about 50% for educational institutions which degrades our educational policy.Do you all know that every times due reservation many students who deserves to be the part of educational institution may not become the part of that. These non-selected student:
- if not mentally strong then they may commit suciside
- or leave their education carrier in between forever.
I want to point a very important thing here is that the reservation will only lead to the degradation of country everywhere and every-time.
Future View:
I must say that this is the topic where everyone must be aware and should step forward to remove reservation from country and make it a golden country.
Till Then Happy Reading!!
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