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Wednesday, August 31

How to retain website Visitors?

Hello and Welcome you all!!!!

To another edition of blogs.

5 Simple Ways to Retain Website Visitors

Whether you’re a seasoned website designer or a novice web developer with the hopes of launching an impressive web presence to make your competition envious, it’s quiet easy to fall into the trap of making careless mistakes that could potentially cost your online business venture loss profits but also your company’s reputation.
Issue #1 – Missing Contact Information 
Perhaps one of the most annoying experiences when visiting a website is not being able to locate the relative contact information.  Whether an e-mail address, physical address, driving directions or a toll-free telephone number, information should be readily available to share with website visitors.  Doing so could potentially mean the difference between a strong sales lead and an actual purchase.  Ideally, contact information should be placed above the fold in a conspicuous location with at least three different methods of contacting the company for various inquiries.
Issue #2 – Slow Server Download Time
In today’s fast-paced world – time equals money.  Ask anyone viewing a website connecting via a 56k modem that takes longer than 10 seconds to download pages and see exactly how long they will wait around for the rest of the site to download at the speed of molasses.
When developing a website, it’s important to keep in mind that every website visitor may not have access to high-speed Internet connections, therefore, it’s always a good idea to keep graphics and data files small so web pages have the ability to download at a much quicker rate.  It’s easy to test the download speed of your website by simply connecting on a 56k modem, and then start your stop watch to determine exactly how long it takes for the entire site to download.
Issue #3 – Usability
Along the lines of efficient webpage download speeds, website visitors also appreciate usability features incorporated into the website.  Features such as skip navigation, title bars, site maps, Contact Us page, driving directions, hours of operation, and so on and so forth goes a long way when accommodating an array of needs for various website visitors seeking pertinent information.
Other useful information that you may consider advertising is product or service guarantees, customer support features, and a website privacy policy.  Although such usability features may not seem much on the grand scheme of the overall website, however, website visitors are sure to appreciate the extra time and devotion spent addressing their individual needs.
Issue #4 – Requiring Website/Newsletter Subscriptions
As a website owner, keeping track of a subscription base is considered a good way to keep website visitors in the loop as to special promotions, discounts and other exclusive offers.  On the other hand, website visitors being prompted to first subscribe to a site or newsletter before actually turning the golden key to access what lies beneath the cyber gates of splendor is a sure bet of turning away the masses of visitors and potential sales leads.  Although some website visitors may not mind subscribing to your website, however, the choice should always be left up to the individual as to whether or not they wish to divulge personal contact information.   Leave the reigns of control in the hands of the website visitors.
Issue #5 – Hassel-Free Checkout
Just as shoppers in a grocery store expect a quick and speedy checkout when purchasing items, online shoppers don’t expect anything less when making an online purchase transaction.  The online storefront should be neat and clutter free, with no more than three or four up-sell items in the attempts of trying to sell a related item a shopper has dropped in the shopping cart.  Shoppers shouldn’t be bombarded with non-relevant items or services just in the hopes of making a sale.  Additionally, all items and services should be described in great detail along with any money back guarantees, preferred payment methods, shipping and handling charges, sales tax, special promotional discounts, return policies, and any other relevant information beneficial to the customer.
With a little thought and consideration when developing your website, it’s simple to implement strategies to help retain website traffic and keep them coming back to visit often!


Hello and Welcome You All!!!!

To the new latest article on our website.

SEO 101 : Focusing on Backlinks

When devising a strategy for SEO, many webmasters place a huge emphasis on the website itself. They are typically concerned with Meta tags, keyword density, titles and headings. While these aspects of SEO are important (especially with regards to content), they are insignificant when compared with links. SEO practitioners spend their time obsessing over link building while site owners ignore them completely.
Creating an Equilibrium
This is due to the fact that a website is a tangible object that can be seen many millions of visitors. On the other hand, links are a vague concept that does not have associated tools. Therefore, building backlinks is usually secondary. Luckily there are several tools that will create equilibrium of website design and SEO.
Google Webmaster Tools
The first key point to consider is not use search operators to check your links. This method will produce inaccurate results and is commonly regarded as being used for entertainment purposes. Instead, utilize Google Webmaster Tools which provide a wealth of information about what exactly Google knows about your website, how it performs in the search engine rankings and, recently added, +1 statistics.
Independent Tools
There are two additional competing independent tools outside of Google Webmaster Tools, SEOmoz’s Open Site Explorer (OSE) and Majestic SEO’s Site Explorer. If your run your website through both programs you will find that they conflict with one another. Ironically, neither agrees with Google Webmaster Tools either.
The Collection Process
Although all three programs work by crawling the web, they are programmed differently and discover different links. Each then filters the collected links and remove those they see as spamming or lack relevance. Unfortunately, the three programs follow different criteria to make a judgment. You will also notice the two independent tools provide limited functionality for the free versions.
Viewing Trends
In the free versions of all three programs you are given two numbers for your sites that will usually differ. Always keep in mind that none of these figures is the absolute number, which would be extremely difficult to determine. Instead these figures should be viewed as representing exactly how other sites link to you. When viewing trends over a long period of time the numbers will begin to paint a picture of how your site is doing.
These three webmaster tools were developed to be more of a guide for focusing on backlinking than a concrete answer. A great way to use these tools is generate a report from each on a monthly basis and chart their change over time. If you see the numbers are increasing then you are on your way to success.
Enjoy Reading!!!!

Friday, August 26

Questions Kids Ask

These Three Types Of Questions Kids Always Ask

It is always amazing to me and (to be honest) sometimes frustrating the questions that my friends children come up with.   They are curious about everything from flowers to its colors and leveled parking structures.  The underlying theme or I say thought in most of the questions seems to be “why.”  I understand that this is an effort  to understand why and how everything around them works, at least, that is what my friend and I have been told.  Sometimes I think it is a means to test the mental agility and stamina of a parent. Anyhow, as my friend was pondering the answers to the the ten rapid fire questions that he received in the five minutes between the car and the pool deck, he put these questions into three categories: Genius Questions, Glad he Have Kids Questions, and Procrastination Questions. The first category is my favorite.  These Genius Questions are the ones that make us as parents, feel like we have done right by our kids and that we may have actually taught them some type of critical thinking that will benefit them later in life.  Example: Today, Maya, gopi, and my friend were discussing the “Big Woods” (more to come on the Big Woods, think Williams poem)  near our new house.  This seems to be a frequent topic in the car these days.  Anyway, we were talking about how the wooded areas are getting smaller because people are cutting down the trees.  Both kids quickly concluded that this is a terrible thing to do to trees.  They wanted to know why people can’t just live in the shade of the trees or build their houses somewhere else?  I was impressed with the level of  concern and thinking.  That leads to the next type of questions.The second type of question usually presents shortly after the Genius Questions or when you are having a really bad day.  These are the questions that make you glad that you have children and tend pull you out of even the deepest funk.  As is usually the case, just as my friend was thinking that he have the two smartest kids in the world and that they are going to be renowned scientists or discover the cure for all that ales the world, my friend got hit with the question of the day, “Mommy, why are my (gopi) buns small and  yours are so big?”  How do you answer that? Not with anger, it is an innocent question that means exactly what was asked.   Nevertheless, This is not the first time his big buns have been called into question.  This put me in mind of another such occasion.  Maya had been helping him(my friend) fold laundry.  I am sure that they were having some type of insightful and Earth moving conversation when my friend heard the question. ”Gee mommy, those are pretty panties.  When I grow up, can I wear big panties like yours?”  Again, my friend couldn’t be mad.  These are the questions that make him stop and just laugh aloud.  My friend have no answers to these types of questions other than a big hug and lots of smiles.  occasionally he will try and explain the science of it, but typically they are laughing so hard they become distracted and forget the original question.
That brings me to the front door of the final type of question.  I am not sure if this should be a type of question or a strategy for questioning.  My friend were referring to the burning questions that need to be answered right away or one might perish, or more likely be ushered off to bed.  These are the questions that are meant to derail the train that is heading down the hall to the Naughty Step (if you have to ask about the naughty step, you probably don’t have kids).  The ultimate kid trick, the Procrastination Questions.  These questions, like the Genius Questions, are usually insightful and require a lengthy answer which provides the perfect distraction from bedtime routines or disciplinary actions.  Maya and gopi like to save their Procrastination Questions for the moment in which the toothbrush with dangling toothpaste is headed towards his/her mouth.  My friend can almost always see it coming.  It is like a slow motion event.  The tiny mouth slams shut, little hands reach for the toothbrush, usually knocking it out of my friend's hand, and then the words flow out, “Mommy, wait, why. . .” I try not to get sucked in, but alas, is it not my job to impart the wisdom of the world into the young minds of my children?
And so it goes.  These three categories of questions fill my days with pride, laughter, and sometimes the frustration of not being able to answer.  Maybe, some of the frustration comes from being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of questions being asked. Either way, he would not trade these questions for all of the answers in the world.  I just pray that he have the strength keep answering them and that his children continue to believe that he know everything!

So, It's time to say Happy Reading!!


GATE 2012 is Not For Pre-Final Year Students

Hello Dear!!

                We are here to support all the peoples there and to present the on Latest Happenings and to make our visitors upto-date.So, we move forward now to implement our talk as we always do.Here we are going to disscuss and tell you all about GATE 2012.

As we all knew GATE exam is most awaited competitive exam for Engineers (and for others who are interested).The students get the chance of testing their knowledge in this exam and after getting success moves towards masters degree from well-known and renowned institutions like IIT's.Till GATE 2011 many pre-final (i.e. 3rd) year students get appeared in exam and (if passed) get their score card which is valid for next two years. But.....................from GATE 2012 pre-final year students are not allowed to appear in exam which is bad news for all aspirants which belong to pre-final year.


Here is the detailed guideline or eligibility criteria for GATE 2012.Organizing Authority says:

The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear for GATE 2012:
  • Bachelor's degree holders in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture (4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the final year of such programmes.
  • Master's degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/ Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final year of such programmes.
  • Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master's degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology.
  • Candidates in the fourth or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree programme or Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
  • Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by Institute of Engineers (India); AMICE by Institute of Civil Engineers (India)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.

NOTE: Please make sure to check the GATE website for more details for this visit GATE 2012

We are sad for pre-final students but we must say that you all practice hard and get pass sure in coming GATE exams, for those who are the part of GATE 2012 and for those who are not.
But then also we say again that :
               Pre-final year students are not eligible to write GATE 2012.              
                      For details, refer to eligibility for GATE examination.                  

NOTE: For all GATE exam queries and help ,(if anyone need) please mail us 
at mailme.freebooks@rediffmail.com or leave comment below.


Saturday, August 20

How to post or write a Blog?

Dear Visitors,

         If you just started blogging chances are you don't have many readers, if any at all.
If you are wondering what you are doing wrong and what you need to do in order to build an audience, this tips will
Why is it that some bloggers have all the traffic and others are lucky if they have about 10 visitors per day?

 You may write regular content for your blog but because no one reads it, you feel like you are wasting your time.
All blogs are not created equal. Guy Kawasaki started a blog and a few weeks after launching he had over 4,000 daily readers. So what made him different?

 Guy is a famous author and business speaker so he had the benefit of lots of other bloggers and media spreading the word about his blog for him. 
Chances are you don't have the same advantage as Guy. I didn't, I had to earn my blog traffic the hard way.

Blogging is like starting your own print newsletter or "fanzine". First you put the hard work in, gather a collection of articles, images and other content and launch your new publication.

 Once the first issue is ready it's time to get out there and show it to everyone.  
 You won't have a marketing budget or the benefits of a public relations officer drumming up free publicity for you. You have to do all this for yourself. You wear all the hats for your blog - author, publisher, marketer and public relations.

 This is why a lot of bloggers fail. You produce good content but you don't know how to MARKET your blog.

 Most bloggers do not know where the best places are to drum up traffic and instead use "shotgun" tactics - haphazardly shooting for traffic all over the place using as many random methods as possible with no thought into exactly what is the smart way to get traffic.

No methodology. No process.


 The first step to build blog traffic is accepting the fact that you will have to *work* for your traffic. No one is going to do it for you. No one is going to help you. Your blog is your baby and you are a single parent, solely responsible for
its growth.

Are you okay with that? Do you accept the burdens?

Yes? Good! Okay, let's move forward.

 Blog traffic building begins, just like a magazine, by creating something worth reading. You would never go out and hand out copies of your fanzine if it had only one or two articles in it.

 Before we even talk about finding readers for your blog you have to ask whether the readers you are chasing will read your blog once they get there.

 Is your blog AMAZING? Do you have great content? Do you even know what great content is?

 Take a good look at your blog and review whether your starting content is worthy enough to capture and retain the attention of readers.

 If you just switched the "on" button for your blog then there is only one thing you need to worry about. Forget about traffic. Sit down, get your writers hat on and start writing articles.

 If you haven't done so already, cover at least these topics before properly launching your blog -

1. Your About Page

 Who are you? What you are blogging about and why would a person want to read your blog? What is in it for them?

 Talk about the BENEFITS for your readers, NOT the features of your blog.

2. Your Contact Page

 You need a contacts page because you want to make it easy for your readers to get in touch with you. If possible, include a nice smiley picture of your face on your contacts page, to make your blog more personal.

 Other possible contact details you might want to include in your contact page:

- Phone number (if you are comfortable with this)
- Mailing address (ditto)
- Skype, MSN Messenger or Google talk contact details
- A link to your Linked-In, Facebook or MySpace profile
- Your Twitter, StumbleUpon or Digg profile

 You can place anything you feel comfortable making available to the public on your contact page.

 You can see my combined contact and about page here:


3. Pillar Articles 

 I'll discuss the concept of "pillar articles" in more depth in an upcoming blogs, but for the moment you need to start working on some nice, fat, juicy, meaty...okay, you get the picture - SOLID articles.

 Something substantial. Something worth reading that teaches your audience about the subjects relevant to your blog topic. Not just news reposts from other websites. This is ORIGINAL content from your mind.

 Be creative, be interesting, be inspirational and demonstrate these elements through your blog articles.


Do you know what a pre-launch is?

 A pre-launch is what you do before you *launch* your blog. You take certain actions and set up the foundations at your blog before you tell anyone about it.

 The purpose of a pre-launch is so you don't go wasting time marketing your blog to build traffic before there is anything there. There's no point trying to sell an empty book.

 I tell my blogging students not to bother looking for traffic in the first month of blogging. Your blog may be online, but it's better if people don't know about it until you get something there worth reading. Once the content is in place and you finish all the pre-launch activities, then you can officially "launch" and get the word out about your blog.

 Knuckle down, work on your pre-launch and you will be ready and confident when you start to drum up your initial traffic that the new readers you attract will stick around and not immediately click away from your blog.

Till the next blog of mine Enjoy reading and publishing my tips to your blogs. Please keep your suggestions in my inbox for best conversation.  Cool
Here's to your blogging success,


Click Here if you want more blog from admin of planetofall.freewebspace.com

Sunday, August 14


Hello Dear!!
                      Welcome You All to the open-bunty.blogspot.com .This blog is return as the part of an open thought of every people to give a light to their view.

Today we are going to discuss and present our view on ill-followed way everywhere and that is Reservation which we call in hindi आरक्षण.

Matter Discussion: 
 When I was child I heard one very interesting story about "tiger and dog", hope you all also heard the same.But, if you don't then also don't fear about the same because I am not going to repeat that story again here.But, the conclusion of that is "Talent Need No Boundary" and if we see that same here in our context that it reflect very correctly here as  "Talent Need No Reservation".

 Now a days we see in every field there is reservation for every caste but not for general. This caste reservation is about 50% for educational institutions which degrades our educational policy.Do you all know that every times due reservation many students who deserves to be the part of educational institution may not become the part of that. These non-selected student:
  •     if not mentally strong then they may commit suciside 
  •     or leave their education carrier in between forever.
The main thing to point here is that reservation is placed in our constitution by polluted or we must say corrupetd politicians to make their vote bank increase in number.
I want to point a very important thing here is that the reservation will only lead to the degradation of country everywhere and every-time.

Future View:
I must say that this is the topic where everyone must be aware and should step forward to remove reservation  from country and make it a golden country.

Till Then Happy Reading!!